After weathering the preschool experience for the first time with Logan last year, I find myself looking forward to certain predictable year-to-year events of Julianne's journey, the earliest of these (besides maybe that epic first day of school) being the introduction of the story of Adam and Eve (it's a Christian preschool.) The fact that this is one of the most commonly told and well known stories in the Bible and that my own children have heard it numerous times at home seems to have no effect whatsoever on the version they bring home from school. When I repeated Logan's version to one of his teachers last year, she explained that it's difficult, especially near the beginning of the school year, to get all of the children listening quietly at the same time, focusing on the story, and that there may be side conversations occurring simultaneously that could potentially intertwine with the pertinent details. That being said, I now proudly present...
The Book of Genesis According To:
Logan 9-21-2011
Logan: God told Adam and Eve not to eat anything from the tree, but then the snake came down and said (best hissing voice) "Eat The Cookie!" so they ate it and God was MAD!
Me: So did they get thrown out of the garden?
Logan: Nope. They stayed.
And if that version seems a little off to you, there's always this one...
Julianne 9-28-2012
Me: So what did you learn about today?
Julianne: Snakes.
Me: Did you learn about Adam and Eve and the snake?
Julianne: No, just the snake.
Me: Oh. What did the snake do?
Julianne: He just... squiggled up the tree, then strapped in and drove off!
Me: He drove off?!
Julianne: Yeah, in an apple tree car!
Me: Well what about Adam and Eve?
Julianne: They just made apple pie. (makes disgusted face) I don't like Adam and Eve's apple pie.
In today's struggling economy, it's always good to learn that your job is secure. Congrats to Sara Lee who should continue to be in business for a long, long time.
Julianne informs me that this is a picture of the snake driving off in his apple tree car. She became somewhat irate when Logan suggested that the snake was keeping his car in the tree, insisting that the entire tree was the car - a "tree. car."
No wonder God was so mad.
Nobody listened to him and his favorite tree got stolen and he may or may not have lost a number of cookies all in the same day.
And I'll bet he didn't even get any pie.
Sounds something like a day at the Washa house.
I'd be pretty darn mad about that too.