Figured I'd start today with a recap of the rest of yesterday which, as it turns out due to a couple of cancellations earlier in the week, was only the 97th day of school. Major disappointment for the little guy as it meant moving the much anticipated 100th day celebration to next Tuesday. But he did get the good tidings of his first visit to his friend Liam's house tomorrow afternoon, so that cheered him up considerably.
Things went well at the groomer. Wags, as usual, looked like a whole new sweet, clean, happy puppy. And George looks (and continues to look) totally creepy, but at least he's no longer laying his custom-made, Weird Catitis George carpet over top of the bad-enough on it's own carpet we have down already. And he seems happier too. I suspect no animal really enjoys ripping out it's own fur with it's teeth. Steve (The Pet Whisperer) Groomer Guy jokingly suggested a psychological evaluation, but I suspect George of being a little too old to learn any useful new psychological tricks. Shaving will have to suffice for now.
When I picked the kids up for gymnastics, Logan's teacher joined me in the hallway for a special parent-teacher moment: the awkward pregnancy question...
Mrs. Hennessey: Are congratulations in order?
Me (amused): They are. Logan told you?
MH: He did, but don't worry. He only told me. He was so cute. He came up to me and said, "I have some exciting news! My mom is having another baby!"
I told her about our original conversation about how many babies I "have to have," and how I was pretty sure Logan was under the impression that I was being pressured by some sort of minimum baby quota. I also told her about my attempt to explain the concept of 'keeping the pregnancy quiet' for a little while, but that I hadn't really expected him to observe it.
I could see that my expectations had certainly not been disappointed when I had the following conversation with Julianne over the gate this afternoon...
Julianne: Guess what happened at school yesterday, Mom?
Me: What happened?
Julianne: I had to go over to Mrs. Parker's area with Mrs. Parker. Just me and Mrs. Parker in Mrs. Parker's area.
Me: Oh yeah? When was that?
Julianne: It was just after I was finishing up my lunch.
Me: Oh okay. So what did you do with Mrs. Parker?
Julianne: She asked me if you were going to have another baby!
Me (amused again): And what did you tell her?
Julianne: I told her YES!!!
Me: And then what did she say?
Julianne: THEN she said that was really nice and she asked me if I hoped the baby would be a boy or a girl?
Me: What do you hope it will be?
Julianne: I said I hoped it would be a GIRL. Could it still wear Mason's dinosaur jammies? If it's a girl baby?
Me: I supposed it could. It doesn't matter that much really.
I FINALLY started working on our fun family Valentine's Day project as well. I printed out the calendars and a couple of "what I love most statements from the girls. Working with Corinne was like pulling teeth, but Julianne was a little easier. Hoping Logan will be a breeze. Then just Zach & I, fill everything in, and start gathering and wrapping the gifts. Wish my afternoon energy would bleed a little better into the morning and evening hours. I swear, after Mason randomly got up at 1:30 this morning, I slept from then until 11:30 at least. Got up and got Logan ready for school, but that hardly counts for anything.
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