Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Challenge-A-Day Challenge #9: Somebunny's Watchin' Me!

Dust Bunnies that is...

Zach isn't really all that crazy about this one.

He thought he liked it until he actually started to hang it up. Now he says it looks like eyes staring out at us from the wall. I try not to let that bother me though. Eyes are a lovely feature. And everyone in our family has nice eyes. Why not outfit our home with an attractive pair as well?

As I am a certified non-professional photographer (not to mention having no patience whatsoever for dealing with lighting) this is definitely not the best possible representation of this afternoon's exertions. At the very least, however, you can probably see that the previously empty frames now contain pictures (the pictures I printed early last December when this project was initially slated for completion.)

One thing that never fails to catch my attention when I visit the homes of friends is the beautiful candid photographs that they proudly display in their living areas. In this particular illustration I do not use the word "candid" in the same sense that professional photographers (wedding photographers in particular) do wherein they sell you on the many virtues of being able to view your treasured friends and loved ones in their natural, unposed glory for many years to come and what you later find yourself with is a ridiculously overpriced album full of photos of distant relatives you hardly know stuffing their faces with shrimp and that last bite of cake, half-turned embarrasedly away from the unrelenting eyes of the matrimonial press.
(Good thing that didn't happen to us.)

To me, a candid photo is basically just any home photo shot, any old home photo at all. 
Candid. Casual. Not necessarily stealthy. Just casual.
I know that's improper usage, but it feels candid enough to me, so when I was planning out this whole watching-eye-photo-frame projection I began to think to myself, "What's so much better about my friends' home photos that I think they're worthy of hanging on the wall, but I have to relegate all the awesome home photos that I'm so proud of to Facebook and my abnormally large supply of portable backup hard drives anyway?!"

Well, nothing I supposed, so here they are.
The kids' hard-won official school (and one of my favorite Avery's First Birthday) pictures are in the mix as well, but all  of the others are about as "candid" as they can possibly be (in the absence of cake, shrimp, or unknown wedding guest, that is.)

I hold out hope that these new additions will cause the Great Eyes to finally start to grow on Zach, 
you know, now that there are so many more of them...

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