Challenge-A-Day Challenge #2:
File This
In case anyone was wondering if the break between posts meant that I had already fallen off the organizing wagon - you know, after only one day!
My answer is a surprising NO. Challenge #2 just turned out to be more of a trilogy... or whatever they'd call a group of four books or movies tied together rather than three. I could easily look it up, but organizing is exhausting business and today I've had enough. For the time being, let's just keep it simple and refer to this as a quadropology. Quadropology: Accepted.
I started off nicely on Thursday with the Christmas tree which was put away over the weekend as intended, then moved on to the filing cabinet on Friday, finally coming to terms with the fact that this was not going to be a one day project after all by about 6 PM. Still... better to make slow progress than none at all though, right? (That's some of my best Positive Spin material right there.)
Fortunately, it all came out in the wash, so to speak. The top surface was clear (thank goodness) by the end of Friday, top drawer on Saturday, took a break from the filing cabinet and cleared off the dining room table so the family could enjoy Super Bowl snacks in the living room on Sunday, then back to the bottom drawer to kick off the school week. Look out taxes, here I come!
Friday Morning |
Friday Night |
Saturday Morning |
Saturday Night |

This one is of my boys eating a sundae at the church Super Bowl Pregame Party.
I didn't really get any good ones of them snack-having (new compound word) on the newly clean table, but you've forgotten all about that anyway now that you've seen just how awesome they are at sharing :)
Monday Night
Some weeks I have more trouble than others in saying goodbye to the weekend. It appears that on Monday morning I neglected to take a "before" picture of the bottom drawer, but if you apply the simple mathematical process of taking the sums of the original messes of both the Top surface and Upper drawer, multiplying this amount by oh, say... 500,000 or so, the total will roughly begin to remind you of something similar in scope and magnitude to the disorganized disaster area that was the Bottom drawer.
For you numerical types that's (T+U) * 500,000 ~ B
You're Very Welcome.
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